Sucralose-6-acetate, widely distributed under the trade name ‘Splenda’ has been found to cause DNA damage. The chemical is found in the sweetener and also by the digestive system with the ingestion of the product.
Sucralose is widely distributed under the trade name ‘Splenda’, and is also contained in many food products, such as protein bars, shakes, and energy drinks. One of the chemical compounds contained in sucralose is sucralose-6-acetate.
“Our new work establishes that sucralose-6-acetate is genotoxic,” according to Susan Schiffman, an author of the study. Genotoxic means it breaks up DNA, according to Medical Express reporting on the study.
The metabolic process involved with sucralose occurs when the sweetener is digested and then forms a metabolite called sucralose-6-acetate. In addition, the product itself (Splenda) has also been found to contain trace amounts of this chemical compound. Taken together, the results of [i]this study and previous research implicate sucralose in a range of detrimental health issues.
CLICK HERE for the Epoch Times article
[i] Toxicological and pharmacokinetic properties of sucralose-6-acetate and its parent sucralose: in vitro screening assays:pub 29 May 2023